Uses of Interface

Packages that use Exe
com.lafros.juice.app JUICe Application Framework. 
com.lafros.juice.cmds JUICe Commands. 

Uses of Exe in com.lafros.juice.app

Methods in com.lafros.juice.app that return Exe
 Exe AppContext.getCancelExe()
          the built-in Exe for interrupting the command (ICmd.IDisj) currently running in the background.
 Exe AppContext.getQuitExe()
          the built-in Exe for exiting the application.
 Exe AppContext.getTestBeepExe()
          See TheAlertsController.beep().

Uses of Exe in com.lafros.juice.cmds

Subinterfaces of Exe in com.lafros.juice.cmds
static interface Exe.Tog
          implemented by classes which execute pairs of commands (ICmds) representing toggles.

Methods in com.lafros.juice.cmds that return Exe
 Exe TheCmdsController.getCancelExe()
          for cancelling the command currently being executed in the background (ICmd.IDisj).
static Exe Exes.getExe(ICmd cmd)
          Deprecated. Use Exes.newExe(ICmd) instead. returns an Exe appropriate for the supplied ICmd.
static Exe Exes.newExe(ICmd cmd)
          returns an Exe appropriate for the supplied ICmd.


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