Package com.lafros.juice.app

JUICe Application Framework.


Interface Summary
AppContext app context, as passed to IApp.init(AppContext).
IApp all methods will be called from the EventQueue thread.

Class Summary
AbstractApp provides more convenient alternative to impl'ting IApp, where no other class needs to be extended.
Applet runs the IApp impl'n specified using a parameter named "IApp", as an applet.
DialogLayout layout-manager featuring the ability to position GUI-components depending on their type.
MsgLine for displaying feedback messages to the user, particularly those generated by exceptions thrown by ICmd.execute().
TheApplication runs the specified IApp as an application.

Package com.lafros.juice.app Description

JUICe Application Framework. This package contains classes intended to be used as the framework of the app itself, and is designed to allow the same code to be run either as an application or an applet.

It is simple and lightweight, having only a small number of public classes itself, depending as it does on the JUICe Cmds package (whose classes must be in the Java classpath). There is also a dependence on the JUICe Alerts package, to which an interface is provided, although here (as of version 4.1.0r3) the classes need only be in the classpath if they are utilised by the app itself.

An impl'n of IApp or extension of AbstractApp is required. This may then be run either as an application, by calling TheApplication.start(IApp, String[]) (typically from its public static void main(String[] args) method), or as an applet, by supplying the classname as a parameter named "IApp" to com.lafros.juice.app.Applet.

Note that there is a one-JUICe-app-per-class-loader limit. This is usually only of any concern when running JUICe apps as applets, and where the same class-loader instance is used for all applets having the same URL path (as is the case when using the Java Plug-In container).

Consequently, any subsequent JUICe applet having the same URL path must wait until the first has been IApp.terminate()ed. This occurs automatically if pressing the browser's reload button, or visiting the new applet in the same window. Otherwise, the new applet waits until the first window has been closed.

Change Log

1.1.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0


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