Scala Monitoring and Control System API

trait CmdInterpreter

[source: com/lafros/macs/pd/an/AnyPd.scala]

trait CmdInterpreter
extends (, Boolean, scala.Option[java.lang.String], CmdInterpreterContextType) => scala.Option[]
optional command-interpreter. Ensure that the implementation class has the same name:
class CmdInterpreter extends pd.CmdInterpreter {
  def apply(cmd: Serializable,
            control: Boolean,
            diName: Option[String],
            context: Context) = {
    ... return Some(serialisableResult)
    ... return None
    ... throw new CmdNotRecognisedException(cmd)
    ... throw new CmdUsageException(advice)
Context will be tailored to the Pd variant being extended.
Type Summary
protected type Context
alias for the CmdInterpreterContext defined by the particular Pd variant.
Methods inherited from scala.Function4
scala.Function4.apply (abstract), scala.Function4.toString, scala.Function4.curry
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Type Details
protected type Context
alias for the CmdInterpreterContext defined by the particular Pd variant.

Copyright 2009 Latterfrosken Software Development Limited