Lafros MaCS API

This document is the API specification for Lafros MaCS 1.2r1

Class Summary
abstract class AnyPd extends with AnyRef
root of all PD classes. Not intended to be inherited directly - see Pd for details of those that are.
trait AnyProgramContext extends AnyRef
as passed to the methods of PD Programs.
trait ConstantsEtc extends AnyRef
_AnyPd mix-in for use where PD has constants.
abstract class NonPollableConstantlessPd extends AnyPd
inherited by all PDs having no status or constants - not intended to be inherited directly.
abstract class NonPollablePd extends AnyPd with ConstantsEtc
inherited by all PDs having constants but no status - not intended to be inherited directly.
trait StatusEtc extends AnyRef
AnyPd mix-in for use where PD has status.